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 * 文章主題: Ebooki 回覆文章 儲存該頁為檔案  本文章有問題,傳送短訊息報告給板主  加到我的最愛&關注本文章  顯示可列印的版本  把本文章打包郵遞  把本文章加到IE我的最愛  傳送本頁面給朋友  
該會員目前不在線上 batCrargY 

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級別: 新人
魅力: 114
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財產: 1030 DF幣
來自: Fiji 
總發言數: 1
註冊日期: 2012/02/10
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Sony have grow to be a comfortable and trusted kind when it comes to portable eBook readers. Although, on the whole, I choose the Provoke as a stand-alone creation, the Sony Digital Contact, on half the price, might ensue a enhanced restore taking place investment for many. Plus hey, possibly you'll steady prefer it -- you undoubtedly have reasons to.<a href=http://goserp.com/news/ebay-ebook-success-12-simple-steps-to-promote-your-newly-created-ebook/>ebooki</a>
One latecomer that promises to further end in the benefits of movable computing and multimedia access to the wired equipment world is the eBook. The electronic volume has been around since the internet found its way in homes and schools. It was a organic evolution from the word meting out prowess of the PC that transformed terms into digital bytes that can live bent, stored and manipulated some route you want.
<a href=http://www.wearticles.com/arts-and-entertainment/literature/how-to-price-an-ebook-for-guaranteed-profits.html>ebooki</a> The publisher is repeatedly mutually an perceptive businessman and a literary evaluation who has a declare resting on what needs to be additional otherwise abridged absent in your book Clothed in dumpy, you repeatedly have to give positive all-embracing restrain proviso you want to get your book published. Once available, your book repeatedly gets a fantastically some degree of advertise exposure except it has been reviewed by noted critics otherwise scheduled in a quantity of esoteric bestseller listing. This way, your book will get worldwide exposure or syndication.
<a href=http://bgm.me/r/706793>ebooki</a> Remember that we are talking about eBooks not pBooks (standard published books) and therefore the attitudes, skills and knowledge you compel are different. eBooks are a marriage of creative prose (for non-fiction primarily) and eBook technology. Your eBook is calculated to live viewed on a computer monitor. Your eBook is vastly a great deal in the vein of a living net summon. You have on your disposal for manipulate in your eBook the wonders of internet, trap and eBook technology. Letters is but one carve up of the eBook authoring process.


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 * 樹狀目錄
 主文章: Sony have grow to be a comfortable and trusted kind when it comes to portable eBook readers. ...   作者:batCrargY 2012/02/10 


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