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   How to bypass internet curfew?
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註冊日期: 2010/03/28
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<a href=http://www.pernd.cz.cc/wsf_sa/wssa_3_2_class.html><img>http://www.pernd.cz.cc/wsf_sa/work.gif</img></a>
My Dad has told the internet provider to switch to a plan which makes it shut off at a certain time early night and comes on late in the morning.
this is annoying for me as i sleep during day and am up at night (no- there isn't anything else i can do,such as reading and tv)
how can it be bypassed?
<a href=http://www.pernd.cz.cc/wsf_sa/wssa_3_2_class.html>why class struggle and revolution from below? </a>

   發表文章時間2010/03/30 11:20am 此 IP 為代理伺服器IP: 已設定保密

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